
Acadia Senior Living Retained for Acquisition Due Diligence Work

Acadia Senior Living, LLC is retained by an Atlanta-based owner / operator of senior housing communities to assist in the completion of due diligence work as part of the owner / operator’s acquisition of five senior housing communities in the state of Louisiana. The...

Acadia Senior Living Retained by Local Investor Group

Acadia Senior Living has been retained as a development consultant on a proposed senior housing community in South Louisiana.  Services to be provided also include a review of the local market and an analysis of supply and demand factors in order to determine whether...

Acadia Senior Living Retained for Site Selection Services in Louisiana

Acadia Senior Living, LLC is retained by an Atlanta-based not-for-profit developer of affordable multi-family communities to provide site selection services in Louisiana. The not-for-profit client intends to construct multi-family developments for the elderly. Based...